single page applications

Why Single Page Applications (SPAs)?

Our desktops and mobile devices have readily installed web applications that are instantly accessible in one click. For instance, if an individual needs to check an email, he can directly click on his Google Gmail app and view it instantly. Applications that operate in this manner are known as Single Page Applications. Businesses in these modern times have shifted to use SPAs since they have been depicted to be the convenient mode of achieving their objectives. Giant firms like Facebook, Google, and GitHub have incorporated SPAs in most of their web operations.

What is a single page application?

A single page application is a web solution that executes a JavaScript code instantly to a browser and does not require webpage reloads or input previous log in user details. We can term a SPA as a website with all its information on one page in layman’s language. 

In these applications, all details regarding a business or firm are depicted on a single page. Selecting an option in the page navigates a user to another form of the single page.  SPAs have an AJAX component, which permits interaction between a server and a user without tampering with the current page’s information.

How does SPA work?

SPAs work by rewriting information on the current page rather than loading previous pages of a user’s browsing history. As discussed earlier, the synergy between a user and a server is enabled using AJAX and HTML5. Updates of SPAs automatically downloaded from the internet, curbing the need to update servers manually.


1. Speed loading

Loading details about a firm using SPAs takes a shorter time than traditional web applications. A business that uses a Single Page Application is likely to thrive better. This is because customers instantly access information about products without waiting for a long time for the data to load.

2. User experience

An update of a SPA does not change its mode of operation. Users who have initial knowledge on how to use the application can comfortably use a new update. Businesses only add further information about their sales, retaining the initial format on their website pages to avoid disrupting customer services.

3. Debugging

SPAs can be debugged easily using Chrome since they are executed using Angular JS and React JS. Servers easily monitor data flow. The JavaScript frameworks have their developer debugging tools that make this procedure simple.

4. Bandwidth

Single Page Applications use less bandwidth with data capable of loading in areas with a poor internet connection. Besides, an individual can load a page with the information he requires and still accesses the page offline. 


1. Poor SEO performance

The websites using this operation mode are not SEO friendly. This is because all the business information is contained on a single page with exclusive search links. The applications are also coded by JavaScript, which allows users to download the data they seek only. It is challenging to write many keywords on a Single Page Application, making it difficult for Google Bots to find the WebPages quickly.

2. User Navigation

SPAs do not allow users to maneuver between two or more websites. If a user clicks on the back button, the previous page in the browser history will be loaded rather than the website’s primary form. However, this problem has been solved. For a user not to lose the previous state of a SPA, he must equip his frameworks with HTML5 History API to help him access his browsing history.

When can you use a SPA?

A firm should assess its business objectives and requirements before using a Single Page Application. Small businesses that have fewer data to upload to their websites thrive more using these applications. SPAs have portrayed great potential for future mobile apps development and web development. They can be used in social networks where SEO matters less. For websites and applications in which SEO is essential, firms should opt for Multiple Page Applications (MPAs).


The significance of using SPAs cannot be overemphasized. A big firm such as Google has employed this Architecture to run its operations, and the results are impressive. It is advisable for an individual beginning a business to consider SPA as a start-up for marketing his products and sales. Despite new existing and developing trends such as Multiple Page Application and Progressive Page Applications, respectively, SPAs have thrived on producing better results for both small and large firms.