React Native vs Ionic Framework

React native vs ionic (2021): which framework is better?

The rapid change in web development trends has led to a significant change in how Android and iOS mobile applications are developed. In many instances, people assume React Native and Ionic frameworks function similarly. That is not the case since these two frameworks have different objectives and modes of operation. In this article, I will outline the basic and operational differences between React Native and Ionic.


React Native

It is a cross-platform user interface that allows developers to build native applications using JavaScript on iOS and Android. It was developed in 2015 by Facebook to create native-like applications for web platforms and user interfaces.


It is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to build hybrid mobile applications on desktops, Android, and iOS platforms. It utilizes standard web technologies such as CSS and HTML. It comes with Angular JS, React JS, and Vue JS framework, allowing developers to use one code to run multiple applications and utilize HTML for Web Views.

Type of applications created

React Native

From the name of the framework, React native uses to build native mobile applications using JavaScript. Applications created in Android platforms are coded in Java, while those created in iOS platforms are written in Swift. A native app is basically a coded application that belongs to a specific platform: in this case, either Android or iOS. The advantage of creating native applications is that they can easily access basic mobile tools such as cameras, GPS services, contacts, and messaging services. Besides, the operation of these native applications does not require the usage of Web Views.


The iconic framework is used to create hybrid applications that can be used on mobiles and desktops. It incorporates technologies such as CSS and HTML with Web Views to build these hybrid applications. It incorporates the use of Angular JS, React JS, and Vue JS. This library is mainly used to create progressive web applications.

A developer should choose a framework depending on the type and purpose of an application. In my opinion, I prefer building an application based on React since it gives a user more options when using it compared to the Ionic framework.


React Native

Mobile applications developed by React Native are closely similar to native mobile applications. They are written so that users can access data directly without the struggles of loading Webpages when downloaded and installed. Applications created using React blend well with the native mobile application without functional issues.


The ionic framework operates in a way that one written code can run diverse applications on various platforms. This library gives a hybrid approach to developers when creating applications. Applications coded using the Ionic framework come with Apache Cordova plug-ins to ensure accessibility to the mobile and desktop hardware. Users do not encounter functional and performance issues that result from native applications.

In my opinion, React Native rules out to be the best framework for developing applications based on the reasons stated above. Ionic is a great framework, but sometimes its performance is questionable.

Technology Stack

React native versus Ionic

Ionic framework is built on Angular, React, and Vue JS and allows developers to build multi-functional applications with a minimum code base. On the other hand, you can use the native part of React native to perform it using the JavaScript part. The developer gets the same level of original native effectiveness on this platform.

In this case, Ionic stands out to be a better framework due to its flexibility and simplicity when using its applications compared to React Native applications. The latest ionic framework update can be used to develop vast applications. 

Platform support

React Native

React native is defined as a cross-platform; it can only run on iOS and Android platforms. Developers need to learn only one specific code that is used to write multiple applications.


Ionic applications support the web, Android and iOS, and PWAs (Progressive Web Applications). Developers have to learn multiple codes that could be used in single or multiple applications. It also allows developers to use Adaptive Styling mode to create navigation tabs and toolbars in design.

Ionic framework is the most appropriate to use when a developer’s consideration is cross-platform support. It is flexible and more informative compared to React Native.

Wrapping up

Comparing the efficiency and which is best between Ionic and React Native frameworks is not easy. These two frameworks have yielded beneficial applications at this age that has broadened the user interface on our mobile and desktop screens. A developer’s choice of developing an application will vary significantly with the application’s objective, where the application should be based, the budget, and the users targeted. It is now up to you to decide which framework to use depending on your interests.