How to be More Productive at work

How to be More Productive at work

Wrapping up a day with a sigh of relief after achieving the goals set for that day is the best feeling ever. Some of us cannot relate to this because we rarely accomplish our daily goals. Is it because we set aside huge chunks of work that we cannot complete in a day? Or, is it because of distractions from the internet and social media? Or, are there a few hours a day? Why aren’t we attaining our goals?

Some habits are hindrances to our success in achieving our daily ambitions. For instance, it could be that an individual does not get enough sleep and ends up sleeping when he is supposed to be embarking on a task or procrastinating tasks. In this article, we are going to discuss habits that can increase our productivity at work

1. Make a plausible to-do list

Create a reasonable list of activities per day. Do not set too complex tasks to be done in one day because it will only end up in devastation. The human body is not a robot that can work 24 hours a day and remain standing for more tasks. In most cases, when we do not complete tasks within the times we stipulated, we often adjourn them. This only yields to low production since many tasks are left pending. Let us be kind to ourselves and set reasonable tasks for a day.

2. Embark on the heavy tasks when you are at your best

Surveys have indicated that most people are active and enthusiastic early in the morning. Complex tasks that we set to be done in a day should be done at his time when a person’s mind is fresh. This is when a person can reason faster and effectively, enabling him to establish exclusive solutions without much struggle.

3. Refrain from multitasking

Multitasking is when an individual does two or more tasks at once. The act of glancing barely at one task then shifting to skim on another is not doing any good to the brain. It also results in the production of shoddy work. To be more productive, one needs to focus on giving his best ability to accomplish one task to completion, then embarking on another one afterward. Ever heard of a proverb that says, you cannot serve two masters at a time? This wholly applies to us in our tasking ways.

4. Control your distractions

Many people who own smartphones peep at least two to three times an hour to check for notifications from the web or social media platforms. This is the largest form of disruption encountered by most workers. Most of these platforms are Single Page Applications, which make it easier for workers to browse easily. We all know how some sites are addictive; clicking on one goodie urges us to click on another, and the process continues. We can control this by setting time for using the phone, putting our phones in flight mode when at work, and sometimes log out of these platforms to avoid easy accessibility.

5. Ensure you are physically and mentally refreshed before embarking on a day’s tasks

Our bodies are the laborers of a task. We have learned that a person has to be on his best to deliver impressive production. It all begins with nourishing our bodies by drinking enough water, consuming healthy food, regularly exercising, getting enough, and ensuring peace of mind. These tips will help workers stay in perfect health, avoiding lifestyle diseases that result from work strain, such as high blood pressure, muscular and skeletal disorders from poor working postures, and cancers that result from a poor diet.

Bottom line

Our output at work is directly proportional to what we feed our bodies with, our know-how and abilities. By setting achievable goals, working when we are at our best, refraining from distractions, and avoiding multitasking, we can improve our work productivity. We should always remember that a change in tasking ways does not happen overnight. It takes some time to master a new working plan. Patience is also a key factor in achieving the results one aspires. As long as you keep trying to emulate a new plan that yields great results, everything at work will fall in place as you desire.